August 30, 2019: United Nations Secretary-General's report on UNAMI

Click here to read the UNSG’s Report on UNAMI.

November 17, 2008: Status of Forces Agreement between The Republic of Iraq and the United States of America

Click here to read the Status of Forces Agreement between Iraq and US.

January 9, 2005: Iraq’s Constitution of 2005

Click here to read the Iraqi Constitution (2005).

September 18, 2004: Final report on the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)

Click here to read the UN’s final account of the activities of UNMOVIC.

February, 2003: Colin Powell's Speech on Iraq to the United Nations Security Council (2003)

Click here to read the US Secretary of State's address to the UNSC.

November 8, 2002: Resolution 1441 (2002)

Click here to read Resolution 1441 (2002).

April 3, 1991: Security Council Resolution 687 (1991)

Click here to read UNSC's Resolution 687 (1991).