NGOs Working on Power-sharing
Constitutional Transitions - Constitutional Transitions generates and mobilizes knowledge in support of constitution building by assembling and leading international networks of experts to produce evidence-based policy options for decision-makers and agenda-setting research, in partnership with a global network of multilateral organizations, think tanks, and NGOs. Constitutional Transitions has worked with over 50 experts from more than 25 countries.
The Forum of Federations - The Forum is an international organization that develops and shares comparative expertise on the practice of federal and decentralized governance through a global network. The mission of the Forum is to strengthen inclusive and responsive governance, including pluralism and gender equality, in federal, decentralized, and transitioning countries.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA) - IDEA is an intergovernmental organization that supports sustainable democracy worldwide. It develops, shares and facilitates the use of comparative knowledge in our key areas of competence: electoral processes, constitutional construction, political participation and representation, and democracy and development. IDEA works upon invitation to provide in-country support based on its global comparative knowledge. IDEA frequently publishes reports and analysis on post-conflict constitution-drafting processes, including commentary on power-sharing arrangements.