Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing Packet

The primary concern of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) is that the constitutional negotiation process does not break down. Furthermore, the CPA has articulated its desire to see a federal, democratic, and pluralistic Iraq. One of the main goals of the CPA is developing a substantive document that fosters the long-term peace and stability of Iraq. The CPA will most likely attempt to dissuade the adoption of any constitutional provision which would create an opportunity for Iraq to develop as an “Islamic state.” Regional security and Iraqi security are also high priorities. The CPA is focused on establishing a strong central government that can exercise significant control and will be responsive to western pressures. The CPA will be pulled in different directions by its interest in placating the interests of Turkey for a strong central government in Iraq, and fulfilling its moral obligation to the Kurds, who desire a decentralized state.

Click here to read the Coalition Provisional Authority Briefing Packet.