General Minority Delegation Briefing Packet  

There are several minorities groups in Iraq, including the Turkmen, Assyrian/Chaldeans, and Marsh Arabs, who are all eager to ensure that minority rights and recognition are adequately protected in the new constitution. Saddam Hussein’s regime has oppressed these groups and they will want to seek mechanisms that allow for restitution of property and the safe return of refugees and internally displaced persons. These minority groups would also prefer strong localized governments that represent community interests. They will have an interest in advocating for a pluralistic, democratic Iraq with adequate representation at the local and federal levels of government. It is necessary to note that the minorities within Iraq have substantially different interests and do not always agree upon the same course of action. For the practical purposes of this simulation, however, their interests are represented by a single delegation. The different members of the delegation are free to represent the divergent interests of the minority groups where appropriate.

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